Where does information about education programs in the School to Work Transition Tool come from?

With the School to Work Transition Tool you search either a general field of study or a more specific education program to get information on employment outcomes of graduates. A field of study refers to an area of learning or training a student can study at a postsecondary institution. The data is collected from Statistics Canada's Census 2021 and is available for over 75 postsecondary fields of study by level, that is:

  • College diploma/certificate
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Master's degree
  • Registered apprenticeship trade

Postsecondary institutions and programs

Information on where students can study a particular program comes from the Canadian Post-Secondary Information Collection (CPIC). This database is maintained by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and includes information on both public and private institutions. The program information is based on information available on institutions' websites, which is then classified according to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP).


Note: Programs that cannot be classified at the 4 or 6-digit CIP do not appear in the tool.


Important: Information may not be available for certain fields of study where there was not enough data to provide reliable estimates. Statistics Canada suppresses these estimates to ensure the quality of the data and anonymity of survey respondents.

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